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Application Regulations of Suqing Brand Ion Exchange Resin in Sugar Industry (applicable To Glucose, Fructose, Xylose, Maltose, Etc.)

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-12-19      Origin: Site


Application Regulations of Suqing Brand Ion Exchange Resin in Sugar Industry (applicable To Glucose, Fructose, Xylose, Maltose, Etc.)

As an important section of the sugar industry, the separation process directly determines the quality standards such as purity and chromaticity of products. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure the normal operation of the separation process! Based on years of operational experience, Su Qing Company has evaluated the 001 produced by our company × The pre-treatment and operation methods of 7 (001x8, D001) and D301-F resins used in the sugar separation process are introduced below for user reference (formal operating procedures will be provided based on on-site debugging results):
1、 Basic process:
At present, there are three main processes for the separation process in the sugar industry, namely:
1. Sugar solution - Powder activated carbon decolorization - Front tank - Positive column - Negative column - Transfer tank - Positive column - Negative column - Refining column - Rear tank (finished product tank) - Concentration - Finished product;
2. Sugar solution - Powder activated carbon decolorization - Front tank - Positive column - Positive column - Transfer tank - Negative column - Negative column - Refining column - Rear tank (finished product tank) - Concentration - Finished product;
3. Sugar solution - powder activated carbon decolorization - front tank - positive column - negative column - refining column - rear tank (finished product tank) - concentration - finished product;
At present, many newly designed projects adopt the (1) method for the handover process, which is characterized by simple operation and control. One positive column and one negative column are treated as a group, so only the quality indicators of the final discharge need to be controlled without having to inspect each column. However, if the positive and negative columns cannot fail almost simultaneously, it will reduce the utilization rate of the handover column; (2) The method is to ensure the saturation failure of each column, so that the resin's production efficiency can be effectively utilized. It is a relatively reasonable type of separation combination, but this process is not widely used, and users are worth pondering. (3) The method is too simple, the quality of the discharge is relatively poor compared to the above two, the utilization rate of the resin is low, the regeneration is frequent, and the loss of the resin is large. Although investment is low, considering these drawbacks, the gains outweigh the losses, but this process is actually the most common!
2、 Pre treatment of new resin:
Filling the resin according to the design amount is crucial to ensure the clarity and transparency of the treated sugar solution, and to remove oligomers and impurities that may be brought in during the filling process. The following methods must be followed for operation:
1. Perform backwashing on the resin, with a flow rate of approximately 5-8m/h for D301-F backwashing, 001 × The backwashing flow rate of 7 (001x8, D001) is about 10-15m/h. Be careful not to flush out normal particles of resin to remove air and suspended impurities in the resin inside the column. The time is about 30 minutes, and the water used is raw water or softened water.
2. Inject 7-8% NaCl solution into the column (preferably a 2% NaOH+8% NaCl mixture), and when the salt concentration in the effluent reaches 2-3%, soak for about 12 hours.
3. Rinse the NaCl solution in the resin thoroughly with water.
4. To 001 × Inject 3-4% HCl solution into the 7 (001x8, D001) resin and 2-3% NaOH into the D301-F resin. When the outlet acid-base concentration reaches about 2%, stop the injection, soak for 8 hours, and then clean with deionized water until it is basically neutral;
5. To 001 × Inject 2-3% NaOH into the 7 (001x8, D001) resin and 3-4% HCl solution into the D301-F resin. When the outlet alkaline acid concentration reaches 2-3%, stop the injection, soak for 8 hours, and then clean with deionized water until it is basically neutral;
6. Backwash all ionized columns with deionized water to further remove oligomers released during pre-treatment until the backwash water is clear and ready for regeneration.
3、 The initial regeneration of resin: The regeneration amount for the initial regeneration should be slightly more than normal, as follows:
1. Yangzhu 001 × Regeneration of 7 (001x8, D001): Inject approximately 3.5 times the resin volume of 4-5% HCl solution into the cation column, control the flow rate to about 3-4m/h, soak for 2 hours, and then clean with deionized water until it is basically neutral;
2. Regeneration of anion column D301-F: Inject approximately 3.5 times the resin volume of 3-4% NaOH solution into the anion column, control the flow rate to about 3-4m/h, soak for 2 hours, and then wash with water until it is basically neutral;
3. The regeneration of refined column resin is completely the same as the operation of cation column;
4、 Material handling:
1. The basic requirements for incoming materials: the transmittance of the incoming materials must be>90%, and the conductivity of the incoming materials is generally between 500us/cm-1000 us/cm. Therefore, the quality of the incoming materials directly determines the amount of material passing, which is the working exchange capacity of the resin;
2. The optimal flow rate for feeding is 5-7m/h (or 2BV), with a general temperature of around 40 ℃ and a sugar concentration of around 30%;
3. The normal cycle feed rate is generally 100 m3/m3. R (when the incoming conductivity is around 600us/cm);
4. Quality requirements for discharge:
4.1. Conductivity < 50us/cm;
4.2. pH 3.5-4.2 (optimal 3.8-4.2);
4.3 Light transmittance>95%;
4.4 Clarity<0.5;
5、 Regeneration of resin during normal operation:
The steps after the failure of the separation column mainly include sugar squeezing, washing, backwashing, regeneration, and re cleaning.
1. Sugar squeezing: After the failure of the negative and positive columns, in order to avoid wasting the sugar solution, water should be used to replace and recycle the sugar solution inside the column. Generally, when the concentration of the replaced sugar is less than 1-3% (depending on the situation), it can be directly discharged into the gutter, and the sugar squeezing flow rate is the same as the operating flow rate.
2. Front washing: The purpose is to further clean the sugar solution to prevent it from being too high in concentration and too high in specific gravity during backwashing. When backwashing with resin, it is recommended to rinse out (especially with anion resin), and the cleaning flow rate should be twice the resin volume, with a time of about 30-60 minutes.
3. Backwashing (main step): The cation resin is mainly mechanically suspended impurities, while the anion resin is mainly composed of amino acids and proteins. The flow rate of the positive column is 10-15m/h, and the flow rate of the negative column is 5-8m/h (specifically based on the principle of not losing resin during backwashing), until the backwash water is clear and waiting for regeneration.
4. Regeneration:
4.1. Yangzhu 001 × Regeneration of 7 (001x8, D001): Inject approximately 2.5 times the resin volume of 4-5% HCl solution into the cation column, control the flow rate to approximately 3-4m/h, and soak for 2 hours;
4.2. Regeneration of anion column D301-F: Inject approximately 3 times the resin volume of 3-4% NaOH solution into the anion column, control the flow rate to about 3-4m/h, and soak for 2 hours;
The regeneration of refined column resin is completely the same as the operation of cation column;
5. Cleaning (replacement): Clean the residual regeneration solution of the resin with pure water until the pH value of the effluent is basically neutral before use (different replacement water quality will result in different cleaning endpoints).
6、 Precautions:
1. Requirements for water quality: Due to the high pH requirement of the sugar solution, the higher the regeneration degree of the cation column, the lower the pH value of the sugar solution in the initial stage of operation (usually between 4.5 and 6), and the lower the conductivity (usually below 5 us/cm). The sugar solution at this pH value will cause the color of the product to deepen and the appearance to be unqualified during subsequent evaporation and concentration. Therefore, it is not that the lower the conductivity, the better the product. In order to meet the requirements of pH value, it is necessary to ensure that the cation resin (only for the cation column) has a suitable degree of failure. Based on the actual situation on site, the following methods can be adopted:
During the regeneration of the cation column, the water used for acid preparation can be prepared with raw water instead of deionized water. However, during replacement, deionized water should be used for cleaning and then a short time (5-10 minutes) of backwashing should be carried out.
1.2. When regenerating the cation column, deionized water is used for acid preparation, and the replacement is completed with raw water. Then, a short period of (5-10 minutes) backwashing is carried out.
2. Statistics of feed volume: Currently, the method for calculating feed volume in most units is not very reasonable, and the quality of sugar solution before entering and leaving the column is not tested. In fact, there are significant changes that should be monitored, and its value is inversely proportional to the feed volume.

Jiangsu Suqing Water Treatment Engineering Group Co., Ltd is a professional high-tech enterprise of ion exchange resin and new adsorbent materials, with its own R&D, production, sales, service and EPC functions.




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